Our services are your solutions.
Courier Service
Physicians Medical Billing (PMB) has its own “on staff” courier to ensure the security of your valuable billing documents. If a client is outside of our courier’s geographic area, PMB utilizes an electronic method or a national delivery service to obtain your claims.
Claim Review
All claims are reviewed for their completeness and any missing information is requested. Diagnoses and modifiers are reviewed for their accuracy. CPTs are reviewed to identify any missing charges for services rendered.
Insurance Billing
All claims received are processed promptly. All claims eligible for electronic claim submission are submitted electronically. All others are submitted via US First Class Mail.
Insurance Payment Review
All payments are reviewed for their appropriateness. All high pay, low pay, and no pay issues will be addressed.
Accounts Receivable Management
All payments are applied promptly. All secondary, tertiary, and patient liability are processed when that liability occurs. Denials from payers will be scrutinized for their appropriateness and, when warranted, appeals are filed. Disputes over appeals are presented to the appropriate Insurance Commissioner. Aged accounts are worked routinely.
Insurance Payer Interaction
All insurance correspondences are addressed promptly.
CPT Coding Assistance
Upon request, a Certified Professional Coder (CPC) will provide a Specialty specific coding session(s) and all coding questions are investigated and answered.
Fee Schedule Review
Fee Schedule reviews are performed and recommendations made for adjustments.
Patient Billing
All patient statements are reviewed and a custom message system is utilized to encourage prompt payment.
Patient Interaction
Patient questions regarding balances are handled in a professional and timely manner.
Collection Service
After three (3) statement cycles, accounts are presented for collection review and, if approved, are forwarded for collection efforts.
All Credentialing issues are addressed in a timely manner.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
All EDI issues are addressed promptly.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
All EFT issues are addressed promptly.
Marketing Services
Marketing Services are available upon request.
Reports are provided upon request.
Statistical Studies
Statistical Studies are provided upon request.
Document Scanning
All received billing and payment documents are stored electronically.
Data Storage
Multiple data backups are performed daily.
Managerial Staff
A managerial staff is maintained to oversee all of the above and to ensure the highest quality of work.
In-House IT
We maintain our own on-staff IT Manager who is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE).
Integrated Scheduling | Electronic Health Records (EHR) | On-Line Patient Eligibility | Automated Patient Notification | E-Prescribe